…an (anniversary) day in the life

As Dan handed me a second cup of coffee Sunday morning, his phone buzzed. He grimaced and, already knowing the answer, asked “an anniversary post on Facebook?”

I nodded while reaching for the he-gets-my-coffee-every-day-not-just-on-our-anniversary cup and sipped while he read my post which ended with: #only37togo.

See… I have commitment issues and told him early on that I could only promise 60 years, at which time we could reassess and make decisions about our future. Meanwhile, Cal gets visibly upset when I discuss my intention of leaving his father and going on the prowl at 87. He’s gonna slam me into an all-women nursing home, I just know it.

Anyway, Dan finished reading the post, threw his arm up on my shoulder then looked at me and, no shit, on. our.anniversary. said, “37 to go. We’ve already spent 23 years together. Thirty-seven more seems like so long.”

“Yeah? Ya think so?” I squinted and sorta cocked my head to the side, “Is this foreplay… cause I gotta say… it’s not really working for me.”

He blathered on about how he’s looking forward to having so much more time to love me.


Like I’m all tingly thinking about him tapping the salt shaker with his index finger for the next 2 score, give or take. What kind of person doesn’t just shake that sonuvabitch? It is, after all, a salt shaker. Nope… he just holds on to it with the other 3 fingers and thumb and bounces his forefinger up and down. AND! he knows it irritates me so he looks at me side-eyed while he’s doing it. Yeah, 37 years does seem like an awfully long time, asshat.

Despite the rough start, the day progressed in the usual way: gifts, cards, filling a dumpster… ok, the dumpster part is not the norm (and, now, looking back on it, I’m hoping it’s not some kind of weird, unintentional symbolism…).

The dumpster rental was actually a gift for his mom from Dan and his sister, Heidi. Their father, a wonderful man known for a quirkiness that was born out of genius, was a bit of a hoarder. The dumpster, along with our time helping to clear out 75 years of that-might-come-in-handy-some-day, was our Mother’s Day gift to her. The real kicker is: I’ve only stayed married to the man for this long to spite that woman and here I was spending my anniversary emptying her basement.

I kid… I’ve stayed married this long because I’m too lazy to get my own coffee in the morning.

And I’m certainly not trying to spite this lovely woman, who cried throughout our ceremony, underneath her black veil.

Can you tell she doesn’t read my blog?

No worries… she would chuckle if she did.

Our clean-out day/anniversary was actually a fairly nice day. Our emotions were all over the place, missing his dad, wondering how in the hell anybody could justify saving the things he saved, swimming in memories, drowning in questions we’ll never get answers to and floating in the calm that only love and a shared history can offer.

I did walk away with a little glimmer of hope regarding Dan’s (obviously inherited) hoarding tendencies, which are most visible in our basement (HIS basement… in that I refuse to go down there). His dad kept EVERYTHING but, he had it – to some degree – organized. Dan… not so much. But, after 5 days of dealing with his dad’s organized chaos, Dan has made a pact with himself to address his flotsam and jetsam lifestyle.

I’m not gonna lie: there’s a little part of me that longs for it all to stay, otherwise, I won’t be able to use ‘flotsam and jetsam’ nearly as much as I do. ‘Tidy basement space’ just doesn’t really light up my synapses the same way.

The most exciting part of our day, though, was when my husband and I retired to our bedroom.

Don’t get all nervous… my X-rating is strictly due to my propensity for using foul language. I never kiss and tell.

Bedtime was exciting because I gifted my husband a Purple mattress and pillows for our 23rd anniversary.

Incidentally, nothing says ‘I’d marry you all over again’ like an awkwardly-shaped, 145lb gift that he had to fight all the way from the shed to our bedroom and required us to spend the morning behind our bed, doing battle with dust bunnies that looked like they came straight out of Alice in Wonderland.

We were replacing a Sleep Number bed, which is an air-filled mattress that inflated to the desired level by way of a pump – that was hooked to the bed and the nearest outlet – thereby making it extremely difficult to move and clean behind that bastard.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Otherwise I’d have to come up with another reason for allowing 2 ponytail holders, 6 greeting cards, a sock (that didn’t belong to either of us), a stuffed alpaca, 3 magnesium tablets, a pen and the back of a remote to mar my carefully-cultivated dust garden. On the upside, should Dan actually get his basement squared away – it appears I’ll still have the opportunity to use the term ‘flotsam and jetsam’ here and there.

So, we slid into our 24th year of marriage on a new bed, resting our twitterpated heads on new pillows, under a new weighted blanket (the blanket itself was new, as was the experience of using a weighted blanket).

With all of this newness, I decided it was finally time to switch sides of the bed.

I’ve been suggesting this change for years. My side of the bed is nearest the door and it really bothers me that Dan is ok with me being in a position of danger like this… after all – as the man, shouldn’t he want to be killed first should we have an intruder?

Wait! I’ve changed my mind – nothing actually says ‘I would marry you all over again’ like me saying “I’d like for you to sleep on this side, so you die first.”

Now, for the record, you would think changing sides is merely a matter of moving a pillow or two, right?

Not so much.

We’ve attempted the switch no less than 7 times in the last few months. There are phone chargers, remotes (I get the channel-changing remote, he gets the tv-timer remote), slippers and years of habit all rolled into a specific side of the bed. I’ve never gotten further than standing next to his side of the bed, then backing out in a panic-stricken diatribe, “It’s too much. I can’t do it. Not tonight, I need more time….”

Last night, I pushed through. And you know what?

One night over there and I’m pretty fuckin’ certain that asshole is trying to get me killed. I mean, there is NO way an intruder would walk in and make a sharp turn to get to Dan’s new side. No, the intruder would take the easier route and go around the bed – to MY new side.. Now I understand why Dan was so willing to make the change…

He WANTED me over there.

He doesn’t know it yet, but… we’re switching back tonight.

And ya know what? He’ll just chuckle, grab his pillows and head back to his side. More than likely, he’ll stop in the middle to kiss me, with the smile still on his lips.

It’s just what he does. He listens to my whims, does everything in his power to make them happen then adores me all the more when they fail.

He’s the absolute love of my life and I hope the next 37 years last forever; I mean who the hell knows if the next guy is gonna make a decent cup of coffee or not.

…not my usual style

Ugh… I guess I can’t put this off any longer. I was trying to wait until I felt like writing one of my usual, self-deprecating, humorous stories but… it’s just not happening. I think I’ve finally reached my social-distancing, quarantine limit.

At the end of last week I started to notice a heaviness in my chest and an exhaustion in my soul. My heart was racing like I’d run a 4-minute mile wile I couldn’t even imagine walking a single lap on the track. My mind was a whirlwind of absolutely nothing – it wouldn’t shut down but it also couldn’t focus on a single, clear thought. My head and throat hurt from holding back tears and my eyes burned from the nearly-constant stream of tears.

I think it’s safe to say I am suffering moderate depression.

It came at me full force Friday – I have some recollection of specific incidents but no recollection of the day as a whole. I spent the better part of the day crying and listlessly watching, but not paying attention to, the tv. It hung on through the weekend and into today – although I do feel like it’s lifting, if even just a little.

I wish I could explain how embarrassing it is for me to admit this. And not in the this-world-is-full-of-judgmental-prigs sorta way. I’m not embarrassed for people to know I’m depressed and having panic attacks, but because I am the person people come to for help. I am the person people seek out when they are struggling.

I’m embarrassed because my ego is damaged, plain and simple.

As far as the judgmental prigs go – fuck ’em. If they think I just need to “pull myself up by the bootstraps and get over it” let ’em. All I can say is: I’ll stop being depressed when you stop letting your blood clot so much, dickhead.

Depression is a chemical imbalance – a medical condition. It’s no more self-controllable than blood clots, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, or any other disease. Which is to say – it is, to some extent, self-controllable. Like all diseases, life-style changes can help. But also like other diseases, it may require medication. Personally, I had a bad reaction to an antidepressant about 16 years ago, so I will do everything in my power to not need to medicate. But I can assure you thousands upon thousands upon hundreds of thousands of patients have used them with no adverse affects. It is up to you and your doctor to make this call – but I implore you: do NOT let misguided, jaded, unfairly-negative, public opinion keep you from it.

My single request is: please develop a treatment plan with your doctor. If you start an antidepressant regimen – start slow and go up easily. And please, please, please have a plan for getting off the meds. Treatment for depression is meant to be short-term (and the definition of short-term, is loose, at best). Do NOT be embarrassed by the need for medication but do your best to avoid it becoming a life-long dependency.

You can take the pharmacist out of the pharmacy….

My personal struggle is embarrassing to me for another reason – you see… my life is damn near perfect. I have a kind, generous, helpful husband who adores me and is also not-too-hard on the eyes. I have kids who are kind, funny, successful, well-liked and who also adore me. I have a home, that for many years, leaned toward condemnable but of late is making a helluva reach toward pleasant. I have wonderful friends. We have money in the bank – not so much that I feel the need to dress nicely but enough that I can buy brand name sweatpants.

so why in the hell am I so down? and why can’t I completely shake it????

Because this world is in a state like nothing we’ve ever known before, that’s why. Stay-at-home orders and constant political vitriol have broken me. Throw in some peri-menopause, the unexpected loss of my father-in-law (causing me to worry about Dan), the uncertainty of the world in general but more specifically, my kids’ next school year and our oldest kid graduating and you have the makins of an emotional shit storm that is spiraling out of control (although… honest to pete, I do feel a little better today).

My days used to consist of working, attending some event (game, concert, etc), eating whatever take-out food we could find on our way home then dropping into bed, exhausted and bitching about doing it all again the next day.

Now my days consist of washing dishes (our dishwasher broke 6 months ago but I couldn’t justify buying another with me having so much time on my hands), laundry (I only do mine and Dan’s and I wear the same shit a lot… where the fuck is all of this laundry coming from?) and sitting around listening to how bored my kids are, then dropping into bed, mentally exhausted and bitching about doing it all again the next day.

Poor Dan is still working, essential SOB. He comes home everyday, jealous of the people having extended time off, to me sobbing because I have extended time off.  When I was pregnant with Alex, I was put on bed rest for 2 weeks. One evening Dan came home to me, in the kitchen, scooping ice cream, “What are you doing?!?!?!?! Get back in bed, I’ll get that for you!”

I broke the bowl when I slammed it on the counter, “AT LEAST YOU GET TO GO TO WORK EVERYDAY!”

My God I can spin anything in my favor…

Also, as much as I’d like to blame the growing prodigy in my belly for that ice cream craving and emotional outburst… neither can be attributed to the pregnancy hormones… both are just straight up me.

Now… back to the point I so eloquently glossed over – depression being affected by life-style changes.

Because of my history with depression meds I am working on life-style changes. And it’s working – FOR ME. I’m telling you about my experiences because I want you to have hope that things can get better. I’m not giving you a road map to YOUR LIFE or getting better. If you like my ideas – put them to use. If, after reading about my methods, you get different ideas for helping yourself – that’s fabulous. If you just walk away from this message knowing that things can get better, then I can walk away feeling good that I came clean about my issues.

First – I have people. I most solidly lean on Dan. I am noticeably more anxious when he’s not home. It’s a tremendous responsibility for him to shoulder but as with everything, he does so without even knowing he’s remarkable. I have my kids. The constant togetherness has taken a toll on my psyche but ironically, they’re also my primary source of comfort, strength and a level of joy that no other human beings can offer. I have about 6 best friends (quit judging, I’m a lot to handle, way too much for a single person). My person in times of high anxiety is Annie. And the most important part here is – she KNOWS she’s that person. It’s important that your person know he or she is your person. Annie calms me just by being present. I think mostly I just catch her in the middle of her shit show and realize mine could be much worse (that’s obviously a joke but she’ll appreciate it).

Second – I exercise. But here’s the kicker – I.like.to.exercise. so it’s not a push or a stretch for me. I enjoy jogging and yoga. Both have their place in keeping me grounded. I enjoy pushing myself on a run (although, me pushing myself is wholly different than other people… a sub-12-minute mile is reason for celebration). I love being outside and listening to stupid music… it’s all very cathartic. As for yoga – I am stiff and sore almost all the time and yoga fixes that. I’ve found Yoga with Adriene to be the best for me. I recently read a review that said, “Adriene is the Bob Ross and Mister Rogers of the yoga world. She speaks directly to you and is calming”. And it’s true. She will push you to go further and love you when you stumble. You want to be better for her but you don’t fear failure… she’s amazing. Most days I have to forcefully remind myself how much better I feel after exercise. I wake up, come up with every excuse in the book to not exercise then finally realize that I’ll feel better if I do and I get after it.

But some days… I just don’t… and that’s ok, too. I just try not to allow myself to go more than 2 days without some form of exercise. Embrace a habit that you love – exercise or puzzling (any kind – crosswords, math, actual puzzles with pieces, whatever), drawing, painting, walking, photography… find something that interests you. And find a way to stick with it.

Third – eat healthy. Not all day, every day. But sugar is an addiction and it will bring you down. If you spend an entire day in bed but you eat an apple instead of an ice cream sandwich – fucking celebrate. Try to grocery shop when you’re in a good state – if you go when you’re down you will buy only junk. And please, if you eat a bag of chocolate chips in a single sitting – don’t be too hard on yourself. Just let yourself try to be better tomorrow.

Those are my 3 biggies – people, exercise, diet. There are other things I could go on about but… the fact is – everybody is different.  We all experience life (including depression) differently.  I don’t respond well to people offering suggestions… my mind spins enough without trying to deflect unsolicited ideas. It’s overwhelming to me. I gotta do it on my own (*said the lady who is writing an entire blog about how to fix you*).

I’m trying to learn to steer clear of social media. Social media is the night club of communication. E’body out here showing off the best of their best… while you’re sitting there feeling inadequate. I’m hugely guilty of using social media to show off… it’s what we do. But if you’re struggling to find the perspective to realize that it’s not reality, you will just let it eat away at any positivity you may have mustered. You don’t need that shit. Get away from social media when you’re really down… it will just pull you further into the depths of despair (or worse, it will end with you ranting like a lunatic and then feeling embarrassed about it later… or so I’ve heard…).

I’m being kind to myself for the most part. And I’m very open with my kids – so they know my snipping and grouchiness is not on them (although, when they’re fighting about who pours the milk for dinner most often… it might be on them). I forgive myself if I spend a day fusing with my recliner and I brag myself up when I do good things. Today is a good day for me…

Listen, you wouldn’t stand by while some asshole judged a friend, right? So why are you standing by allowing you to blast yourself? Stop it… cut yourself the same slack you’d cut anybody else.

The world is getting the best of me a lot these days. I’ve got a fracture in my foundation but I’m just not ready to crumble.

Yes, I’m depressed. But I’m worth fighting for…

…it was Mother’s Day???????

I’m pretty close to breaking the surface of my Benadryl® haze so I thought I’d give this a go. I can’t promise to be clear or even followable, though….

First let me say – diphenhydramine is the shit.

pollen bringin’ you down? get yourself some diphenhydramine.

can’t sleep? got a sore throat from drainage? grab the diphenhydramine.

poison ivy itch driving you crazy? diphenhydramine to the rescue.

bug/spider bite causing your arm to transform into a red, swollen, hot, itchy, club-like structure, that no longer resembles an appendage? say ‘goodbye’ to an entire day of your life and kick it back.

That last one was my experience, by the way. Oh! as a responsible, licensed, healthcare provider I would be remiss if I failed to mention: please follow the dosing guidelines found on the bottle. I, personally, never measure my dose. I use the liquid – but only because the pills would likely induce a multi-week coma. I put the bottle to my lips, tilt back, let the liquid hit my closed lips, pull the bottle away and lick off my lips – then I’m out in 10 minutes and have an antihistamine hangover when I wake up 8 hours later.



Now that I may or may not have absolved myself of any responsibility involving diphenhydramine abuse, I’ll carry on…

The really weird part about this bug bite situation is – 10 days ago I spent the entire day doing some Mother’s Day gardening (flowers) – with zero insect or bug incidents. But Saturday…  whist lollygagging in a recliner all day – I nearly lost my arm to a venom injecting asshole.

Full disclosure: my arm wasn’t grotesquely disfigured, or even badly disfigured for that matter… it did make my whole body itch, though. Ok, to be honest, the bite actually only  made the area surrounding the bite itch, my mind made the rest of my body itch… but it DID swell up and get red and hot to the touch – that part was actually true.

Oh! and about the planting… apparently it is widely known that gardening should probably be done on or after Mother’s Day. Then why in the hell would anybody sell plants BEFORE Mother’s Day? That’s like putting out Christmas stuff in Octob…

oh wait….

Anyway, it’s the day after Mother’s Day and I’ve got $300 worth of death and regret spread across six planters and a small patch in the yard, a mysterious bite on my arm and the better part of a day lost to an antihistamine that should be illegal.

Poor Dan… every night he runs out and covers the stuff in the yard and hauls the planters back into the house… bless his frugal soul. To show my respect and appreciation for his efforts I plan to be very secretive when I replace these bowls of annihilation one-by-one over the next few weeks. I’ll even make a concerted effort to conspicuously move the bottle of Miracle Grow® every few days.  I mean… it’s the least I can do – let him believe deep down in his wallet that I’ve saved these posies.



Sadly, the flowers were the bulk of my Mother’s Day gift. Oh… am I supposed to say my kids are my “greatest Mother’s Day gift”? Cause, quite frankly, the Year of the CornTeen has me not really feeling it. It was an amazing gift that I never, EVER take for granted – to have had these people with me every minute for those 9 months while I was making them – now, many years later, with them being able to speak, it’s fucking irritating.

Every minute

Every day

Every breath

I actually left 2 of them with Dan at his mom’s house yesterday and came home early with the third one, who had to work. I felt a little bad ditching them but at this point I’ve spent so much time with Cal that I think I might actually be involved in a relationship with one of the announcers on his 2K video game – I see that guy more than I see Dan.

The most Karen-esque part of it all is – I came home and took the damn diphenhydramine and fell asleep. I finally got some friggin alone time and I slept. Come on – you guys know me… it’s not like I was gonna sit here watching porn or checking the deadly sins off my to do list or anything, but I gotta say… I was hoping for more than laying on the couch, dozing my way through Mommie Dearest.

Which brings up another interesting Mother’s Day anomaly. The only movie on tv yesterday, that in any way related to the day’s honorees, was a movie about an unhinged, alcoholic, whore of a mother. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly not a sew-your-Halloween-costume or bake-a-loaf-of-bread or I’ll-do-your-laundry-even-after-you-turn-8 kind of mom but I’m also not beating them with a can of bathroom cleaner or sitting on them while choking the last bit of air out of their lungs.

Dan told me I should’ve just streamed something.  I don’t even know what the hell that means. If Cal leaves the tv in video game mode when he’s done, I sit in front of a black screen until somebody comes in to the room and saves me. Streaming seems out of my league. Not to mention, as I told Dan when he offered to teach me, “I tv to the tune of about 12 hours every day and that’s with limited options. I don’t need to get any better at it.”

So, I slept through my day – dreaming of wire hangers and spiders the size of Connecticut with my arm on fire and my whole body itching…

Between medicine naps Alex, Dan and I finished a puzzle that the kids and I started the night before. Actually Alex and I stayed up until 3 in the morning from Saturday to Sunday working on that thing. I’d like to think it was simple fondness for each other that kept us going, but I know us well enough to know it was actually a test of wills. I was so tired I thought I was going to vomit and told Alex as much. She admitted she felt the same.

So we kept at it for 20 more minutes.

Then as Alex stood with the same puzzle piece in her hand for 7 minutes looking over the empty spots, I said, “I can’t do this anymore…” Alex tossed her piece on the table and walked away without a word.

Abby was out early. “If we have to turn over every piece before we even start, then I’m not getting involved.”

Cal hung on a little longer but, true to form, did more damage than good. Knocking pieces on the floor, leaning on the puzzle and having it stick to his hand when he lifted it up….

If you ever need to sum up my children in a sentence or two – refer back to this situation.

I’m one of those irritating people who has the kind of life that is Mother’s Day every day. My husband dotes on me daily, my kids love on me and are free with their affection all the time, and I eat dessert whenever I want.

I am in love with my family. I mean – head over heels, sometimes-can’t-breath-because-my-heart -is-so-full in love with these 4 people.  Diphenhydramine can’t take that from me…

Ya wanna see the bite?

bug bite

…this is worse than a Seinfeld episode – it’s about absolutely nothing

This blogging thing is tough, sometimes.  When I began my pursuit of “a blog a week” I had some fodder – my high-school-senior daughter.  It was a lofty goal, for sure, but then we had a ridiculously slapstick-style family outing so my confidence soared. That was, unfortunately, followed by my father-in-law’s unexpected passing, a devastating situation, but one that kept me on task.

The topics seemed to throw themselves at me like Dan when I’m wearing running tights (don’t even try to understand it… it’s disgusting… I think he has some kind of weird fetish-type shit goin’ on).

Anyway, I’m sitting here, one day past my (self-imposed) deadline, wondering what the hell to write about…

I got nothin.  So, hang on, you’re about to waste about 15 minutes reading as I drone on with nothing to offer but some idiotic drivel.

To catch you up on the unexpected loss of Dan’s dad.  We had a small graveside service Wednesday.  A musical colleague of Bob’s performed Taps – my God is there any song that reaches into your soul and squeezes your heart like Taps? Just a lone trumpeter, blowing sorrow through his horn…

Everybody is doing… ok.  One minute it doesn’t seem real and the next, we feel like, in some odd way, we knew this was the turn our lives would take. Like, somehow, it already has a sense of normalcy about it…

We’ll figure it out with his mom, she’s intent upon staying put – and trust me… I want her to stay put.

[ba dum ting]

But, she’s over an hour away and we worry about her… She’s healthy and capable, but still… we worry. We’ll follow her lead and just be there when she needs us. She’ll be ok, of that I have no doubt.

At one point last week, she looked at me, tears stubbornly refusing to spill, and said, “I always thought I’d go first.” My gaze softened as I said, “Well… we were all hoping…”

Thank God that woman has a sense of humor.  I mean that’s a pretty big matzah ball hanging out there, if she doesn’t laugh.. ya know what I mean?

I think even Dan will be ok in time… I mean, this is how it’s supposed to happen, right? Our parents are supposed to go first.  It’s the natural course of life… so why, exactly, does it feel so damned awful?

We had a lot of togetherness last week.  Dan was off for a few days and, due to the circumstances, we got along well.  Which is to say, I was a little less of an ass because I knew he was hurting.  As the week wore on however, I got back to my more natural state. Sunday we sat discussing dishwashers.  We need a new one and his mom expressed an interest in replacing hers – so we started our search.

We found the make and model we preferred (Consumer Reports, baby) and Dan went through some options, “…there’s front controls – like we have now – or top controls – they go on the top of the door and are sorta hidden from sight.”

“Yes… yes, thank you for expanding…. my two college degrees and basic common sense would’ve never gotten me through that technical jargon.”

Still not sure why that man stays.

I like to be an equal opportunity asshole.  Early on in the week Cal borrowed a pair of Alex’s sunglasses. She frantically asked, “Are you stretching them out? Do you feel like they are stretching?”

I said, “Come on, Alex… have you seen his head? Every time I look at him I thank God for C-sections… of course he’s stretching them out…” Then I looked at my boy and gave him a shrug of apology.

He nodded and said, “You are not wrong, mother.”

I sorta feel bad when I bust his chops but then shit like this goes down:

Alex: who invented physics?

Me: wasn’t it Sir Isaac Newton?

Alex: yeah I think you might be right…

Me: either him or Galileo

Cal: I thought it was Thomas Edison

Now… to be fair… he said he was joking. But! he only said he was joking after I looked at Alex and shook my head in disgust/disbelief. I’m not sure that I believe he was joking, but I very badly want to, so I will.  An error (that has since been fixed) kept him off the distinguished honor roll list in the paper.  He has, actually, maintained straight As in high school… but don’t despair – his dingbat tendencies are alive and well…

Last week my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and her husband came for the night. The kids and I spent the day making our house presentable, or less appalling, however you want to say it.  Alex handled the vast majority of cleaning, with Abby coming in a close second.  Cal followed me around, helping me hang pictures and such… basically he spent the day getting yelled at (the kid has to just groan when I say, “Today we’re gonna work on some projects together, buddy.”). Anyway, I texted Dan and said, “the idea here is to act like our house always looks likes this, so, DO NOT walk in and comment on how nice it looks.”

No sooner did I send that message then our guests walked in to see me frazzled, sweaty and exhausted. I gave up the ghost immediately. “I’m a mess… ignore my appearance, we’ve been busting our asses all day – this house never looks like this..”

Dan walked in a few minutes later, I looked at him and said, “Don’t even try… they know the truth.”

As for me… I plummeted this weekend, Sunday in particular. I just couldn’t get myself together. So, I napped and just sort of moped around and expected nothing of myself. The week before was spent in ‘survival mode’ and I needed a day to take care of myself.

I hate those days.

Rarely are they anything more than a guilt-producing, waste of daylight. I mean, it’s not enough that I can’t find motivation beyond brushing my teeth but then the weight of self-reproach becomes so debilitating that it feeds into a greater lack of motivation until you find yourself nearly fusing with your recliner and hating yourself for it.  The mind is a bitch… amirite?

Anyway, I gave myself the ok for Sunday and promised to get myself going this morning. It worked, today was a pretty productive day and I feel pretty good about myself.

Or I did… anyway…

Until Cal asked, “Are you and dad gonna have a quarantine-date-night?”

I said, “mmmm I don’t think so, why do you ask?”

“I dunno… you showered so I thought something special was going on…”